If you want to break your New Years resolution of eating healthy JUST on Valentine's Day and not have any tempting leftovers. . .
this dessert is for you!
Simple Valentine’s Heart Cake Dessert For Two1/8 cup sugar
1/4 cup water
2 tsp cornstarch
1 cup frozen raspberries
2 Twinkies
In a small sauce pan, whisk together the sugar and cornstarch. Whisk the water into the sugar mixture until well blended. Cook over medium heat until the mixture thickens. Remove from heat and gently stir in raspberries. Allow the mixture to cool. Cut Twinkies in half diagonally (A sharp diagonal), starting about 1 in. down from top left to 1 in. from bottom of opposite side. For each heart, put 2 halves together on 1 serving plate. Spoon raspberry mixture on top and around hearts
Real Mom Kitchen
This just might be our dessert this Valentine's Day! I've been looking for something that sounds yummy and is cute and easy :) Thanks!