Thursday, February 9, 2012

1 4 Layers of Pink Cake

I have been so blessed this past week!
As I have said before, my parents live down the street, Clark and Rebecca live next door, and Parker and Emily live 5 minutes away. 
I love texting my Dad and asking him if he wants something that I am baking. . . 
or when friends are over, calling Clark and making him wave at us from his window :-)
or meeting Parker and Emily for coffee.
Last night, my 90 year old grandmother, Gigi (who lives 10 minutes away), took all of the grand-kids out to eat. 
We literally could have sat there for hours, taking, laughing and just being together!
I am BLESSED beyond my wildest dreams to be married to Nate and to have sister in laws that are better than anything I have ever prayed for or imagined! :-)

This cake is even more impressive in person! 
Stay tuned this weekend for all of my Valentine's recipes in one post! :-)
4 Layers of Pink Cake
2 Boxes of White Cake Mix and the ingredients on the back of the box
2 Big jars of White Icing
Red Food Coloring 
Mix the cake according to the directions. Divide batter in 4 bowls. Put a couple drops of food coloring in the first bowl and then add 10 more drops to each of the bowls, adjusting the color as you see fit. Bake according to the directions on the box. Let the cake cool and then assemble and ice! Happy Valentine's Day!
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1 comment:

  1. i love this ombre cake! I am dying to make my own! Thanks for sharing!!


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