3 hours of sleep + 9 million scones+ 1 tiara = ROYAL WEDDING
A sweet friend spent the night with me Thursday night so that we could wake up early and watch Kate and William's beautiful wedding! Kate was stunning, the hats were (for the most part) magnificent, and everything had an air of royalty!
My friends at school and I debated all week on what to wear on Friday. . .
. . . we decided on . . . .
this. . .
A sweet friend spent the night with me Thursday night so that we could wake up early and watch Kate and William's beautiful wedding! Kate was stunning, the hats were (for the most part) magnificent, and everything had an air of royalty!
My friends at school and I debated all week on what to wear on Friday. . .
. . . we decided on . . . .
this. . .
Yes, we are wearing tiaras, and the "Diana" ring, and there are crowns on our shirts. .
but just wait for it. .
"Princess Elizabeth!"
My cute friend, Kayman, made these shirts for us!
Since the royal wedding was not a holiday in the United States, we decided to organize a "high tea" during lunch. . . AND . . . we went all out!
Everyone brought their own china tea cup. . .
we had petit fours. . .
and scones, finger sandwiches, devonshire cream, and tea, of course, we had tea!
The beautiful spread. . .
Caroline made "royal" cakes that were MAGNIFICENT!
She is so talented!
The royal wedding was fun to watch and fun to celebrate.
But, isn't it amazing to think that since we are children of the TRUE King, we are all princesses in His eyes. . .
My wedding was nothing like William and Kate's but the "theme" of my wedding was "classic elegance". . . I wanted to be a "Grace Kelly" bride. . .
but above all, I felt like a princess that night . . .
because I was marrying Nate and because Christ was the CENTER of our wedding. . .
and I wouldn't trade that for all the royal weddings in the world! :-)