Tuesday, August 9, 2011

6 The Best Honey Mustard in the World. . . seriously. . .

My heart overflows tonight . . .
1. a little boy named Archie walked out of an orphanage in Bulgaria with his forever daddy and is coming home to his forever family on Saturday . . .(SO much more on this later!)
{Picture by Whitney Runyon}
2. I am so blessed daily by everyone's sweet comments. . . seriously, they make my so happy. . . there is such a community of Christian women who absolutely encourage through "blog land" and I. LOVE. IT!
3. I am head over heels in love with my little family . . . read more about our "snow day" engagement pics here!
{picture by Michael Carr, (I had to take a picture of our picture which is why it is kind of fuzzy!)}
4. This Sunday, I had tea with one of my best friends while she was in town during a quick trip!
So . . . in other words. . . I am just thankful. God is good . . . and He is good ALL THE TIME.
Since I am thankful for each of YOU who "join me in the kitchen each week," I am going to share with you the best Honey Mustard in the world. . . . seriously, it is. And this is coming from a 100% identified Honey Mustard addict . . . I literally eat my Honey Mustard with a side of salad. When eating a club sandwich, each bite must be dipped in Honey Mustard. . . you get the point. . .
{the little goodies on the side of the honey mustard will be shared with you during football season!}
Honey Mustard
3/4 cup mayonnaise 
3 tablespoons honey
2 tablespoons yellow mustard
1 tablespoon lemon juice or juice from 1/2 lemon
Horseradish, to taste
2 tablespoons orange juice (more or less as needed) (I didn't need this)
Combine all ingredients except orange juice; stir well. Thin to pouring consistency for dressing or dipping consistency for dips with orange juice. Cover and chill for 2 or 3 hours.
Yield: 1 1/4 cups
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  1. This looks delightful! I love honey mustard, and this is going in my file to make soon!!!

    Thank you and God bless you!

  2. Such a sweet post! I love honey mustard, too! I'm imagining it with some home-baked pretzels... yum!

  3. oh yay! I love love love love honey mustard too!! I am going to have to try this recipe out very very soon! And that picture of Archie made me cry, what a miracle that sweet boy is! I know just how overjoyed his parents are, I will never ever ever forget walking out of the transition home with A for the last time.

  4. I LOVE honey mustard, but I hate mayo...kinda sad to learn that it's in there:) I am such a silly eater!

  5. you are just the sweetest elizabeth ann i always look forward to your new posts and all the delicious recipes you share with us but also you share a part of your life!! it is encouraging to find such a wonderful community here in blogland isn't it?

  6. I absolutely love honey mustard so I will most definitely be trying this asap! Thanks for sharing such wonderful recipes!!


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