I have never had a problem imagining my heavenly Father's unconditional love for me, because my earthly Father has provided such a great example!
Today is my Dad's 62nd birthday! That might seem old to some but in spirit and life, my Dad acts like he is in his 20's! He has incredible friends, a wonderful personality, and can literally light up a room. He exudes "life of the party!"
I have a special bond with both of my parents. My mom is who I go to when I need to "talk." My dad and I normally "do" more things together!!
Daddy and I both share a love for animals. . . I'm the one petting the rattlesnake at the Hunting Expo and Dad is the one who picks up the 6 foot rat snake while he is hunting (just so he can get a better look at it!)
I have always loved going on dates with my dad. Just us! Growing up, that normally included going to the pet store, the bird store, or going to the Baker's ranch to feed the horses!
When I was in middle school, Dad and I began running together. Due to knee surgery, Daddy can't run anymore but he is the one who I can attribute my love for running to!
Once Parker and Clark got to high school, Dad stopped coaching their baseball teams. He taught me how to keep a book and instilled in me a love of baseball! All through high school and college, I would keep the book at Parker and Clark's games and "talk with Mom" and discuss strategy and skill with Dad! This time together with my parents is one of the main things I miss about Parker playing at A&M.
Dad and I spent so much time together training Gus! On Thursdays, we would drive to Katy to visit Gus at the trainer and learn about his progress. From hunt tests, to 'real' hunting, we have been thrilled with Gus' drive and desire to please! Every morning when I drop Gus off at 'Grandparent Day Care', Dad has a biscuit waiting for him. . . just because he is a good boy! Dad is so obsessed with Gus, he takes him to the office periodically! (I can only imagine what he is going to be like with 'real' grand kids!) Driving to the trainer and hunting together have also created great memories!
My parents love Emily and Nate! Mom and Dad have such a welcoming spirit and have literally included them into our family! I will never forget two weeks after I met Nate, my Dad called me and told me that he wanted to invite Nate to watch the A&M baseball game with he and my mom. (I couldn't go that night!) So, Nate went to the game, sat IN BETWEEN MY PARENTS and was literally GRILLED the entire game! Nate said afterwards that he had so much fun and loved my parents. . . AND it has been downhill from there. Nate and Dad are so alike! From playing golf to fishing, they just enjoy being with each other!
One way my Dad has shown Christ to me is through his love for my mom! My parents are more in love with each other now than the day they got married! They still kiss in the kitchen like teenagers when my dad comes home from work! My dad treats my mom like she is a princess and has provided a wonderful example for the boys as to how you treat a lady! My parents are the essence of a godly marriage and I am so thankful for that!
Today, 62 of my Dad's friends emailed or called him and at the end of the conversation told him their number! I hope that today, Dad feels just a fraction of how much he is loved by so many people!
"My father didn't tell me how to live; he lived, and let me watch him do it." -- Clarence Budington Kelland, U.S. Writer
Today is my Dad's 62nd birthday! That might seem old to some but in spirit and life, my Dad acts like he is in his 20's! He has incredible friends, a wonderful personality, and can literally light up a room. He exudes "life of the party!"
I have a special bond with both of my parents. My mom is who I go to when I need to "talk." My dad and I normally "do" more things together!!
Daddy and I both share a love for animals. . . I'm the one petting the rattlesnake at the Hunting Expo and Dad is the one who picks up the 6 foot rat snake while he is hunting (just so he can get a better look at it!)
I have always loved going on dates with my dad. Just us! Growing up, that normally included going to the pet store, the bird store, or going to the Baker's ranch to feed the horses!
When I was in middle school, Dad and I began running together. Due to knee surgery, Daddy can't run anymore but he is the one who I can attribute my love for running to!
Once Parker and Clark got to high school, Dad stopped coaching their baseball teams. He taught me how to keep a book and instilled in me a love of baseball! All through high school and college, I would keep the book at Parker and Clark's games and "talk with Mom" and discuss strategy and skill with Dad! This time together with my parents is one of the main things I miss about Parker playing at A&M.
Dad and I spent so much time together training Gus! On Thursdays, we would drive to Katy to visit Gus at the trainer and learn about his progress. From hunt tests, to 'real' hunting, we have been thrilled with Gus' drive and desire to please! Every morning when I drop Gus off at 'Grandparent Day Care', Dad has a biscuit waiting for him. . . just because he is a good boy! Dad is so obsessed with Gus, he takes him to the office periodically! (I can only imagine what he is going to be like with 'real' grand kids!) Driving to the trainer and hunting together have also created great memories!
My parents love Emily and Nate! Mom and Dad have such a welcoming spirit and have literally included them into our family! I will never forget two weeks after I met Nate, my Dad called me and told me that he wanted to invite Nate to watch the A&M baseball game with he and my mom. (I couldn't go that night!) So, Nate went to the game, sat IN BETWEEN MY PARENTS and was literally GRILLED the entire game! Nate said afterwards that he had so much fun and loved my parents. . . AND it has been downhill from there. Nate and Dad are so alike! From playing golf to fishing, they just enjoy being with each other!
One way my Dad has shown Christ to me is through his love for my mom! My parents are more in love with each other now than the day they got married! They still kiss in the kitchen like teenagers when my dad comes home from work! My dad treats my mom like she is a princess and has provided a wonderful example for the boys as to how you treat a lady! My parents are the essence of a godly marriage and I am so thankful for that!
Today, 62 of my Dad's friends emailed or called him and at the end of the conversation told him their number! I hope that today, Dad feels just a fraction of how much he is loved by so many people!
"My father didn't tell me how to live; he lived, and let me watch him do it." -- Clarence Budington Kelland, U.S. Writer

sweet tribute to a wonderful father! :)